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Das kleine eBook mit dem Titel
Novus Ordo: An Introduction to the Apocalypse or Geometry of End Times (Manifesto)
umfasst den Text der deutschen Novus Ordo 'Programmschrift' (oder 'Manifest') und ist für 3,99 $ zu haben.
Hier eine Kostprobe (erster Abschnitt: Nothing new since Babylon?):
Men have always felt they lived in special times. What fortune—or misfortune—to call one’s here and now just that! Such were the people of the late Middle Ages awaiting “kind Judgment Day”. Or the youthful United States of America, in the guise of “American Adam”, who hoped to close the arc of man’s travel, the great circle. I, too, am one of them. And yet, removed from the clamor of news-cycle diagnoses, I shudder less at what awaits than at that which is “revealed” (apocalypse = revelation): what centuries and millennia have amassed before our backward gaze, up to this very day. And all too often, rather than a tremendous tower, appears as arrant Babylonian confusion: History, knowledge, facts, and mere names – all sound and fury, exhaled by a fleeting spirit, man, that crooked timber...